Wednesday, October 24, 2007

3SCS at Mannes College, Oct 22

Here are a few pics from the concert at Mannes College of Music last Monday, October 22. Aurora Borealis, with Tiffany DuMouchelle, soprano, and Stephen Solook, percussion, performed my Three Songs of Carl Sandburg.

A little bit of trivia: Tiffany performed the premiere of this piece way back in 2002 when it was written with piano accompaniment! Many thanks for keeping this piece going all these years.

The concert was an impressive mix of older and newer material, including a few songs by Chopin! I had always heard he wrote a few songs, but had never heard them before.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Two Rilke Songs

What a fantastic, successful concert last night at Saint Peter's! Sofia Dimitrova selected a program that represents a terrific snapshot of contemporary vocal music. (If I may say so given that one of my pieces was scheduled!) Marilyn Bliss, David Tcimpidis, Paul Moravec, Kevin McCarter, and Raphael Fusco are all terrific writers for the voice. I hope Sofia will repeat this exact concert again; anyone interested in vocal music of today should hear such repertoire sung so perfectly.

Lots of thanks to Sofia and her ideal accompanist, Catherine Miller. And the evening would not have been complete without the superb contribution of Stani Dimitrova on violin, who added another color on the night to my Rilke songs.

Here are a few more pics; click for larger size.